Is your garage door working properly? If it’s not, it’s most likely time to let the professionals handle it. Professional inspections can help extend the lifespan of your door and make sure it’s working correctly and safely. Many homeowners wonder how often they should get their garage doors serviced.
When should you get your garage door serviced? If you aren’t having any problems and your door is working the way it should, a preventative maintenance call is suggested once a year with normal use. If your door or opener is older and/or gets heavy use, you may need more frequent maintenance. But keep in mind—if you have any safety concerns at all, don’t use the door and call a professional garage door company immediately.
It helps to be aware of signs that indicate your garage door may have a problem.
When to Get Your Garage Door Serviced: Common Signs
Common signs that indicate there may be a problem with your garage door and require a repair at the very least (and sometimes a full replacement) include:
- Door that doesn’t open or close (or only does so halfway)
- Door that is unusually noisy when operating
- Door that doesn’t operate even when the motor runs
- Door that can be manually opened without using a remote control opener or keypad
- Door with broken glass
Whether something is wrong with the motor, springs and cables or rollers/track—or there is another issue altogether—we will determine what the problem is and fix your garage door quickly and efficiently.
Garage Door Repair Near You in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Area
Metro Home Insulation offers garage door repair and replacement and can help you with whatever garage door problem you have. Get in touch with us today!